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Real Estate Investment

The Cost of Flipping

“Don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost

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3 Steps to Freedom

“Freedom is the reward of discipline.” Here’s a simple 3-step process to get started, improve #productivity, and lighten your workload…

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Big Hearts Remember Little Things

I’m blessed to work with an absolutely amazing team. My Renovator, Jim, is a big man with a big heart.One Winter afternoon Jim called to check in with me. He wanted to be sure that we were moving the right projects forward in the right order so that prospective tenants, scheduled to view properties, would have

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Real Estate Investment

A Fresh Set of Keys

Locksmiths have great stories, and my first locksmith, Paul, was no exception!A teenager was travelling in Europe for nearly a year. His return trip took him through Edmonton where his grandmother owned a home. Always welcome at Grandma’s house, he decided to pay a surprise visit and stay with her for a few days. Grandma…

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Real Estate Investment

What’s My Condo Worth?

The whole idea of most condominium developments – whether apartment or townhouse – is uniformity in size and design. In the eyes of a lender, appraiser, home-buyer or investor…

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