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The whole idea of most condominium developments – whether apartment or townhouse – is uniformity in size and design. In the eyes of a lender, appraiser, home-buyer or investor...
The number 1 is absolutely the worst number in business. It may be bad for you too! Think about it: 1 customer; 1 supplier; 1 bank; 1 employee; 1 market; 1 product; 1 service. It sounds simple, yet the number 1 can be devastating in any business. If you lose...
Locksmiths have great stories, and my first locksmith, Paul, was no exception!A teenager was travelling in Europe for nearly a year. His return trip took him through Edmonton where his grandmother owned a home. Always welcome at Grandma’s house, he decided to pay a surprise visit and stay with her for a few days. Grandma…
One weekend early on, I thought I’d give my contractor a hand, so I offered to drop by on a Saturday afternoon and do just that – hold stuff for him while he measured and cut and glued and attached. Jim didn’t ask for my help. I just offered it.Why was that a mistake? Well,…
Secret: Never over-commit to communicating with investment partners.My written commitment to investment partners includes annual reporting for income tax purposes only – and then I try to sneak in at least two other written communications throughout the year, a telephone call or two, and a personal visit (which usually doesn’t include discussion of our mutual…
Did you know that most good landlords or investors – myself included – suffer from the anxiety of thinking they’ll never find a suitable occupant for their latest project?I can’t possibly express to you the...
An interactive website is a vital tool for any successful business. After weeks of work and tons of help, we’re thrilled to finally re-launch a new and improved version of!Aside from being an easy-to-remember URL, is...
I love working with new tenants! I love the way they get excited about transforming a house into a home. It’s the thrill of a fresh start and the anticipation of getting everything just right. Like any good landlord, I want their experience to be even better than they had hoped.