#1 is the Worst Number!

The number 1 is absolutely the worst number in business. It may be bad for you too!

Think about it: 1 customer; 1 supplier; 1 bank; 1 employee; 1 market; 1 product; 1 service. It sounds simple, yet the number 1 can be devastating in any business. If you lose that 1 customer; if that 1 supplier raises prices or has difficulty meeting your requirements; if that 1 bank is no longer lending; if that 1 employee calls in sick – well you get the idea – you can almost instantly be out of business.

Relying on any single source for solutions to problems can be both financially and emotionally costly.

How does this apply to you? If you’re thinking about selling your house and you feel you only have one option (MLS?), you may be at a disadvantage; if you’re thinking about borrowing to buy a house and you think you only have one option (traditional lenders?) – again, I’m sure you get the idea.

We have loads of ‘secret’ resources for solving real estate problems. If you’d really like to sell your house, you owe it to yourself to find out how we might be able to help. If you’d really like to own a home, you certainly should see what we can do for you. If you’re in the business of investing in real estate, you’ll do better with more options.

‘One’ is just a really bad number!

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