Differentiate or Die!

One of my favourite strategists, Jack Trout, wrote a book called Differentiate or Die. We live in a niche world. Whatever it is that you do, you must find a way to stand out.

For example, many people would love to be real estate investors. Whether the intent is to buy for long-term hold, or to make quick trades for short-term gain, the problem is always the same: it’s not as easy as it may seem. That’s why novice investors often become frustrated. It may also be why many people grow weary of dealing with people who call themselves ‘investors’!

I’m often challenged to ask myself: How am I different?

Here’s part of my answer…

  • KnowledgeA passion for real estate investment led me to lifelong learning, and I love to share.

  • Skill: As an active practitioner, I have the experience and team to finish what I start.

  • Ability: I have outstanding access to capital and credit, which means I’m always able to do what I say I’m going to do. And — maybe best of all — if for some reason I can’t help you, I’m not too proud to say so!

Expert Tip:

If you choose to become an expert in anything, your answer will need to include knowledge, skill, and ability. These three traits alone will immediately set you apart from the novice or hobbyist in your field.
But that’s not enough …

… In my next post, 3 Things People Love or Hate, I’ll share with you a quick easy way to discover differentiation in your industry or business.

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